Sean, your post about Cutco-style scams reminds me of a similar story...
About a month ago, I was noodling around online. (i.e. searching for something, anything to occupy my time), and I found a posting for a bartending job. Not only were there job openings, but you could make something like 85 grand a year in tips, AND they would also TRAIN YOU before you start. I said, "Hey, how about that!", (out loud), because I don't drink much or know how to tend-bar.
The first clue I should have picked up on was that the posting was on the sort of website you find when you Google "jobs+New York+desperate-being a hooker". I forget what it was called, something like findnyjobsnow!.biz, you know, with the exclamation point in the url. But the posting had a number for you to call, and I'm not always observant, so I picked up the phone and gave them a ring.
(Also, this was at about seven at night).
After I set up an appointment, I hung up. "Great", I said, (out loud), "I have a job interview!"
A couple minutes went by. I went back to the website and read the posting again. Now, some more backstory, I
thought originally the posting was created by, say, a bar, or a pub, or maybe a
bier garten. It wasn't. From what I could surmise from the post, apparently this was some kind of bartending...placement company. I don't know. They didn't say their name in the post, and I couldn't find a company name when I googled the phone number or the address.
"Uhh", I said.
(out loud).
And I passed out. Eleven hours later I woke up, frantic, and tried to dial the number again to tell them I was on my way. But there was only an automated recording telling me the number had been disconnected. I hung up, and a stillness came over me. Then, out the window, a blue jay appeared. He flitted, just for a moment, and then he was gone. We don't get blue jays here around this time of year. Coincidence...?
(Actually, what happened was, shortly after double-checking the posting I decided not go. And I didn't call them back).